2018 Session

2018 Legislative Summary

2018 Legislative Tracker (Final)

Key: + - Bill has been enacted into law; * - Bill is dead; # - Bill has been tabled or retained in committee.

Learn more: Click on a bill number below to go to the NH General Court website for additional information, including the bill text and current status.

House Bill 561 +
This bill limits NHRS retirees working part-time for retirement system participating employers to a maximum of 1,352 hours per calendar year, effective 1/1/19. Retirees already working part-time are allowed to work up to 1,664 hours per calendar year for as long as they remain in the position they held on the effective date of the bill. The bill also contains a financial penalty for any retirees exceeding the statutory limits on annual hours worked and requires members who retire on/after 1/1/19 to wait 28 days from their effective date of retirement before commencing part-time employment with a participating employer.

House Bill 1427 #
As amended by the Senate, this bill links the application of the reduction of a Group I retiree’s annuity to his or her full retirement age under the federal Social Security system.

House Bill 1603 *
This bill requires that one of the public members of the NHRS Independent Investment Committee be an active member appointed from a list of nominations provided by public employee labor organizations.

House Bill 1748 *
This bill allows a part-time judge of the circuit court to retire and collect a pension under the provisions of RSA 100-A and elect senior active or judicial referee status.

House Bill 1754 *
This bill establishes a state retirement plan for new public employees who begin service on or after July 1, 2019, which is structured as a defined contribution plan.  All new Group I and Group II members employed by the state and political subdivision employers on or after July 1, 2019, will be required to contribute to the defined contribution plan, which will be administered by the state treasurer, the Department of Administrative Services, and a benefits advisory committee.

House Bill 1756 +
This bill grants a one-time additional allowance of $500 in fiscal year 2019 to retired members who meet all of the following criteria: (a) The member retired with at least 20 years of creditable service; (b) The member retired and has been receiving an allowance for at least 5 years prior to July 1, 2018; (c) The annual retirement allowance of the member on June 30, 2018, is not greater than $30,000.

House Bill 1757 #
As amended by the House, this bill modifies the Group I pension benefit formula for members eligible to retire before age 65 and grants a new “post-retirement payment” to future Group I retirees.

House Bill 1805 +
This bill establishes a committee to study level dollar amortization of the retirement system's unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) and increases NHRS trustee terms from 2 years to 3 years.  

House Bill 1817 +
This bill establishes the position of state demographer and a commission on demographic trends; allows for the inclusion of a demographic analysis as part of the legislative fiscal note process; and requires some state agencies to prepare 10-year current services cost projections (NHRS is required to project 10-year state retirement contributions based on current employer contribution rates and member payroll data.)

House Bill 1823 +
This bill requires the retirement system to amortize annual unfunded liabilities accrued on or after July 1, 2017, for a closed, fixed period of no longer than 20 years.

Senate Bill 324 +
This bill allows a retiree whose election of a retirement system optional allowance was terminated as a result of a final divorce decree or final settlement agreement to nominate a current spouse after remarriage for a new optional allowance.

Senate Bill 458 +
This bill provides for the election by a certain surviving spouse of a Group II member to purchase up to one month of creditable service.

Senate Bill 532 *
This bill allows six department of corrections positions to be classified as Group II if filled by members with at least 10 years of prior Group II service.

Senate Bill 538 +
This bill moves officers of the state office complex police force into Group II of the retirement system.