Employer Reporting for Beginners 

Created: July 2024

We understand that the employer reporting process can seem overwhelming, especially for those who are new to the process or have never reported before. These frequently asked questions (FAQ) are intended to provide some basic information.

Click here for a printable PDF version of this FAQ.

Getting Starting

Help! I am new to employer reporting and I don’t know where to begin.

The first thing to do is gain access to the Data Reporting System (DRS). This will allow you to report to NHRS.

To request a new user account for the DRS, participating employers must fill out and submit a DRS User Access Form.

Each user must have his or her own unique login; you are not allowed to use the same login information as someone else in your office.

What is the Data Reporting System (DRS)?

The DRS is a secure online portal for NHRS-participating employers. It is through this portal that employers submit their monthly wage and contribution reporting to the retirement system.

The DRS is also used for annual retiree reporting, as well as setup and maintenance of retiree insurance authorizations and premiums by employers who do not delegate this function to their insurance provider.

Employers can access the DRS through a link off our public website: www.nhrs.org

How do I log in to the DRS?

Once you have obtained a username and password from the retirement system, click on the Employer DRS button in the gray bar at the top of the NHRS homepage. On the next screen, click “Authorized” and enter your login information.

When you successfully log in, you will be taken to your DRS account summary page, or “dashboard.” For information on navigating the dashboard, click here.

Monthly Reporting

What does it mean to “report” to NHRS?

NHRS requires employers to submit a reporting file each month. This file contains active member wage and contribution information. Reporting also includes the monthly payment of employer and member contributions to the retirement system. For NHRS purposes, a file that contains wage and contribution data for active members is referred to as a batch.

Why do I need to report to NHRS?

Under the law, employers are required to report member data, which NHRS uses to calculate and finalize retirement benefits, process member refunds, prepare annual member statements, and provide members with personal data through My Account, our secure online member and retiree portal.

When is the reporting due?

Monthly member and employer contribution payments and corresponding data files for all pay dates from the prior month are due – free of errors – and posted no later than the 15th of the following month (ex. reporting for the month of August is due no later than September 15). Please note that you may create your batch and submit it as early as 25 days before the 15th of the month.

How do I submit reporting files?

Employers may submit member payroll reporting files to the DRS via web entry or by XML file upload. To generate an XML file, you must extract the required information from your payroll system. The file must follow the NHRS file layout, or schema, which is available on our Employer Resources page, along with instructions for reporting via file upload or web entry.

Who do I contact if I have issues?

Each employer is assigned to a specific NHRS relationship manager, who is your primary point of contact. Your representative is listed in the Associations section on your DRS account summary page. If your representative is unavailable, you can call our contact center at (603) 410-3500 to report your issue.

I received a notification stating that my file has “exceptions.” What does that mean?

An exception is an error in the file that was submitted to NHRS. There are many reasons why a file may contain exceptions (i.e. a member record may be missing information, a member’s salary may have significantly changed from what was previously reported, multiple files exist for the same pay period, etc.) Exceptions must be corrected for the batch to “post,” i.e. be accepted by the DRS.

How do I know if I have any exceptions?

As mentioned in the question above, employers will receive a notification through the DRS if their file contains exceptions; notifications can be found in the communications section of the DRS home screen. Employers receive an email alerting them when they have a notification. Note: Employers also can run an exception report in real time.

Help! I don’t know how to clear my exceptions.

NHRS has created instructions on how to clear some common exceptions, which are listed on our Employer Resources page.

If you don’t see instructions for the exception you have, or you’re still having trouble, you can contact NHRS for assistance. Please call your NHRS relationship manager (603) 410-3500 or email exceptions@nhrs.org.

What happens if I don’t correct the exceptions in time?

Exceptions must be corrected for the file to post. If your exceptions are not cleared by the 15th of the month, the file will not post, and you may be subject to a late reporting penalty.

What happens if I miss the reporting deadline?

Statutory penalties apply for late or incorrect reporting, and/or late contribution payments. NHRS will assess penalties for employer files that are not free of exceptions and posted by the 15th of the month. Contribution payments not received by the 25th of the month will be subject to an interest penalty. For more information, click here.

Why is there a penalty for late reporting and late payments?

The integrity of the data NHRS receives from employers is crucial to its ability to effectively administer retirement benefits. Without timely and accurate payroll information and payment of contributions, the retirement system cannot correctly calculate or finalize pensions for recent retirees. 

What if the 15th falls on a weekend or a holiday?

Files must be posted and payments must be received no later than the first business day following a weekend or holiday.

How do I submit contribution payments?

Employers must report their contributions to NHRS via payment voucher in the DRS. For instructions on how to enter a payment voucher, click here.

Actual payments should be made to NHRS via ACH (Automated Clearing House). The payment amount must match the voucher amount.

Note: NHRS has partnered with Citizens Bank to offer “NHRS QuickPay,” an online bill pay service to facilitate the submission of employer contributions via ACH at no cost to participating employers.

Annual Retiree Reporting

Do I need to report retirees?

Employers are required by law to report to NHRS on an annual basis, no later than February 15, all hours worked, and compensation paid to any NHRS retirees employed in the prior calendar year. There is a $25 per day penalty for late or incorrect reporting of retiree data.

Instructions for annual retiree reporting are available on our Employer Resources page.

NHRS has also prepared a working after retirement FAQ for employers.

Are employers penalized if a retiree exceeds the part-time work threshold?

No. Although employers must report retiree information to NHRS (including hours worked and compensation paid), the retiree is ultimately responsible for complying with the hourly statutory requirement.