Newly Retired?: Important Information for new Retirees. Read More

Here today for
your tomorrow

The New Hampshire Retirement System plays an important role in the long-term economic security of the state’s public employees, teachers, police officers, and firefighters. For more than 50 years, we have been committed to providing secure retirement benefits and superior service.

What's New

NHRS Seeks Responses to RFP for Disability Application Processing and IME Services

  • RFP

NHRS has extended the deadline to submit an RFP for disability application processing and Independent Medical examiner services.

NHRS Trustees Adopt Revised Actuarial Assumptions

  • NHRS

The Board of Trustees of the New Hampshire Retirement System (NHRS, the retirement system) voted June 11, 2024, to adopt revised actuarial assumptions based on the results of a four-year experience study conducted by its consulting actuary, Gabriel, Roeder, and Smith (GRS).

NHRS Will Exceed $1 Billion in Annual Pension Payments in FY 2024

  • NHRS

For the first time in its 57-year history, NHRS will exceed $1 billion in pension benefit payments this fiscal year. With close to 80 percent of NHRS’ retirees and beneficiaries living in the Granite State, most of these retirement benefits support local economic activity.

Clinton Elected Chair of Independent Investment Committee

  • Independent Investment Committee

Christine Clinton of Dublin was recently elected chair of the NHRS Independent Investment Committee.

GASB 68/75 Reports for Fiscal Year 2023

  • Employers
  • GASB

NHRS has released reports for fiscal year 2023 related to Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statements No. 68 and No. 75.